Web Page Design for Designers





Netscape 3.0 IE Button

Although there are a number of
other browser programs available, Netscape and
Internet Explorer dominate the market
Making sure that your design works satisfactorily
in all the current versions of these
browsers is the very least you can do!


With all the browser software producers trying to outdo one another in terms of features and functionality, it is not surprising that deviations from the 'standard' HTML, if indeed such a thing exists, is rife. NetScape, in particular, has always had its own set of unique features. Some are relatively minor niceties like 'blinking' text, but others such as 'frames' and 'Java' are more significant in that, being at the 'bleeding edge', their effects may not be available to some users or may be unreliable if they are because of the number of 'Beta Test' versions about..

The risk for the designer is that he may not only be creating web pages for one particular browser, dismissing others with the wave of a hand, but may even be designing for a specific version of that browser.

You will see 'Best viewed with NetScape' or 'Free Download Microsoft Internet Explorer' buttons on many sites. Statement like these tend to be too general to be useful because of the many versions of NetScape 2.0. The 32-bit version of NetScape 2.02 for Windows 95 supports Java, for instance, whereas the 16-bit version and Macintosh versions do not. NetScape's versions across platforms are often out of step with one another, which surely doesn't make much sense.

When I bought NetScape as a boxed package direct from them, they sent version 1.2 even though 2.01 was the current version on-line!

Walkie-talkies are a great means of communication -
provided that there is one at
each end!

Real Audio Button

RealAudio streams digital audio
over the Net in real time.Use it for listening
to Net-based radio stations

Shockwave Button

There are versions of ShockWave
from Macromedia to browse files created with
FreeHand, AuthorWare and Director

QuickTime Button

QuickTime is becoming the cross-platform
standard for digital video,
virtual reality and video conferencing

Java Button

Sun's Java is destined to become
the programming environment of choice for
web-centric applications

I said a little about browser plug-ins earlier. Plug-ins extend the functionality of a web browser to provide increased functionality and the display of proprietary file formats. Popular ones include ShockWave from MacroMedia, QuickTime from Apple and Real Audio which gives a low-bandwidth, real-time facility for playing sound files.

If the user has the right browser software, a suitable machine and a good throughput from his modem, these plug-in do become useful and enjoyable adjuncts to web browsing.

The decision to introduce browser specific or plug-in dependant elements into your web pages should not be taken lightly. You should have a clear objective and target audience in mind.

If, having considered the implications of restricting your audience and deciding that it is appropriate for your particular message, you should then warn readers in advance. They can make the decision to keep clear, download the appropriate version of the browser or plug-in, or proceed because they already have it.

This is just plain, good manners and will help minimise frustration, wasting time, bandwidth and maybe a teensy bit of our planet's resources.









All trade marks and brand names are acknowledged as belonging to their respective owners.
